Reciprocal club members are always welcome!
Ladysmith Yacht Club (LYC) is located at the end of ‘A’ dock, Ladysmith Marina 49.0021.07N 123.4932.16W. We are the last marina on your port side as you enter the harbour. Look for the green bull-rails on the North, East and South side of the club house.
Extra moorage may be available from Ladysmith Marina (250) 245-4521 who monitor Ch 66A.
We have 100 feet of guest dock suitable for vessels up to 45 feet on a “first-come, first-serve” basis. Look for the the green bull-rails right at the entrance to the marina (first dock, parallel to the channel).
Washrooms and showers: Accessible from 8:00-4:30 daily and located next to the Ladysmith Marina office. Please contact the Ladysmith Marina Office for access arrangements by calling 250-245-4521 or visiting the office.
Power: 15 amp power is available. Please be careful to avoid overloading the breakers, as the breaker panel is inside the (usually locked) clubhouse.
Water: There is tap access on east and south side of the Clubhouse. During frosty weather during winter water may be unavailable.
Things to do – Places to See: The Town of Ladysmith is approximately 1 km. from the Marina. Refer to Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce website for a great selection of restaurants, grocery, hardware and pharmacy services, local attractions, festivals and walking maps.
Fuel Docks: Closest fuel is in Telegraph Harbor at Thetis Island.
The LADYSMITH YACHT CLUB hopes that you enjoy your visit to Ladysmith.
If you have any questions or problems, you can email our Volunteer Reciprocal Coordinator.
Members, to view a complete list of LYC reciprocal agreements please click the button below or refer to the linked PDF document. (9megs)
Ladysmith Yacht Club hope your stay will be enjoyable. If you have any questions or problems contact our Rear Commodore by E-mail at
The town of Ladysmith is located approximately 1 Km from the Marina. Information about Ladysmith can be found at
© 2025 Ladysmith Yacht Club. All Rights Reserved, LYC