Activities & Events
The LYC social program typically includes the following activities (please check the Events Calendar as events are subject to change):
- Barbecues and potluck dinners are held often. Check our Event Calendar for dates and times. Email notices regarding bar service and other particulars are sent members in advance. Please bring something to barbecue and something to share (e.g. appies, veggies, salad or dessert and your own refreshments). You can arrive as early as you like –, the barbecues are usually fired-up around sixish.
- Members Meetings are held monthly (except July and August) and may be combined with the potluck evenings. Their purpose is to share updates from the Bridge, host entertainment/educational presentations, and spend social time with each other.
- Executive Meetings are held monthly (except July and August) and are attended by the current Bridge members and Committee leads to review and manage the business of the Club. Members can attend when requested with their materials provided in advance.
- The Annual Commodore’s Gala is usually held each November. This is a great opportunity for a wonderful night of dining, dancing, and enjoying the company of fellow members. It should not be missed.
- Special occasions such as a Robbie Burns Celebration, Octoberfest Celebration, Christmas Lights Cruise Potluck, and/or Steak & Prawn Event provide opportunities for enjoyable evenings at the LYC clubhouse.
- Member Club Cruises (Rendezvous) are scheduled in advance, posted on our website Events Calendar, and promoted by email. These provide opportunities for socializing, restaurant dining, games, hikes, kayaking, paddleboarding and boating adventures.
- Our Sailpast and club opening day events take place on the Second Saturday of May each year. This is an opportunity to get your boat clean and ship-shape, dress it with plenty of signal flags, get yourself dressed in your nattiest yachting gear (if you like), and sail around the harbour to salute the commodore. The sail-past is followed by festivities in the clubhouse. Our Reciprocal Docks are closed to visitors the day prior and during this event.